During this year's AI Week, all interested parties are invited to the “AI Summit” at Aachen's digitalHUB on October 7th.
This year, the focus will be on industry in Aachen.

AI summit in Aachen
As part of last year's AI Week in Aachen, 19 of Germany's most renowned AI professors adopted seven recommendations to the German government under the auspices of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (see here for details). These recommendations have already been partially implemented.
Two of the leading key players in the German AI industry, Aleph Alpha and Celonis, will report on their future plans and discuss the future of the AI industry in Germany with selected decision-makers from the German AI industry. Regional AI start-ups will also be presenting themselves.
Two of the leading key players in the German AI industry, Aleph Alpha and Celonis, will report on their future plans and discuss the future of the AI industry in Germany with selected decision-makers from the German AI industry. Regional AI start-ups will also be presenting themselves.
Start: Am 07. Oktober; 17:00 – 20:30 Uhr;
Where: digitalCHURCH, Jülicher Str. 72a, Aachen
Der Eintritt ist free of charge und eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Die Vorträge und die Podiumsdiskussion werden auf Deutsch gehalten.
Weitere Informationen findet Ihr hier!
- 17:00 Uhr: Begrüßung, Ministerpräsident H. Wüst (Video-Botschaft) und RWTH Rektor U. Rüdiger
- 17:10 Uhr: Partner-Präsentationen (Celonis, Aleph Alpha & PwC)
- 18:10 Uhr: Podiumsdiskussion moderiert von Prof. H. Hoos und Prof. K. Kersting mit J. Andrulis von Aleph Alpha, B. Nominacher von Celonis, M. Drass von Deutsche Bahn AG, J. Herbers von INFORM GmbH, F. Weindauer von TÜV.AI
- 19:30 Uhr Startup-Ausstellung
We look forward to your participation!